Bucking the UDRP Trend

Trademark practitioners should pay close attention to a recent WIPO  decision  which could set a precedent on the ‘identical or confusingly similar’ element in domain name disputes  In deciding whether  a disputed domain name  is confusingly similar to a party’s...

Project.me Domain Dispute Sets Dangerous Precedent

Have UDRP panels gone too far by setting a new standard for determining the identical or confusingly similar element in domain disputes? In his November 13 article, Andrew Allemann reported a WIPO decision denying transfer of Project.Me (project.me GmbH v. Lin, Case...

A Domain Lawyer’s View of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Domain attorney Karen Bernstein discussses (lack of) reverse domain name hijacking findings. Earlier today Domain Name Wire published a guest article by The Hon. Neil Brown, a domain arbitrator, about how he approaches reverse domain name hijacking (RDNH) decisions....